Code of Ethics
The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of School System
Administrators is a professional organization comprised of members of
the Directorship dedicated to promoting sound educational practices
throughout the Province. Educational administrators recognize that they
must function within the limits of an ethical code. The Code of Ethics for
members of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of School
System Administrators is designed to further a quality of performance
that epitomises the strengths of educational administrators. It is
intended to serve as a guide for behaviour of members in their
relationships with pupils, various publics, School Boards and colleagues
in education.
Therefore, the members of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association
of School System Administrators will:
recognize that the first obligation is to the students in our
work diligently with boards and other recognised authorities in
developing programs and in providing facilities and equipment
which shall ensure the optimum development of all students.
implement in good faith all Board policies, and all regulations
and statutes enacted by the legislature of the Province.
recognize the public trust of their positions and avoid using such
positions for personal gain.
guard the confidentiality of information required in the
performance of their professional duties.
acknowledge and promote the prerogatives and responsibilities
of parents as prime educators of their children.
maintain the highest standards of personal and professional
integrity in their relationships with students, other educators,
colleagues, board members, and the public.
promote a wholesome, professional climate in school systems to
enhance the attainment of educational goals.
accept the responsibility to maintain high professional standards
and to seek methods to improve the effectiveness of the
directorship through research and continuing professional
Newfoundland and Labrador
Association of School System Administrators